Big Ego > Emblem
BIG EGO BOOKS is a new Sydney based online bookseller specialising in esoteric and hard-to-find titles. Hand-picked are only the best books, covering a wide range of subjects, including art, photography, architecture, interiors, and fashion. BIG EGO BOOKS is carefully curated by artists Emily Hunt and Raquel Caballero, the duo behind DUKE Magazine, a satirical journal which spoofed traditional and current magazines.
Big Fag Press
The Big Fag Press is a Sydney-based Artist Run Initiative. We use our 4-tonne offset proofing press to print limited edition works by artists and designers. We are committed to the development of creative partnerships with artists and the wider community, providing access to high-quality offset printing, artist residencies, internships and community engagement projects.
Black Eye Gallery
Black Eye Gallery exhibits contemporary photography and is committed to representing the photographic art-form from both established and emerging artists. Black Eye Gallery also stocks limited edition fine art publications from Australia's leading photographers and publishers.
Blurb is a self publishing and marketing platform that makes it easy for anyone to design, publish, promote and sell professional-quality printed books, magazines and eBooks. Blurb authors have created millions of books using our full suite of free book-making tools. Today a new book is created at Blurb every minute.
Books at Manic
Books Kinokuniya
A showcase of independent Japanese publishing, curated by Books Kinokuniya.
Bookwork Press
Bookwork Press is a Sydney based independent publisher of visual essays, artist’s books, and illustrated editions, founded in 2015 by designer and writer Zoë Sadokierski.
Brunswick Street Gallery
Brunswick Street Gallery is a platform for the exhibition of diverse creative practices. Since opening its doors in 2007, the gallery has maintained a persistent dedication to providing space for emerging art practices to be viewed and experienced. Our goal is to create an accessible environment where artists can find recognition and new collectors can engage.
Cameron James Cope
In descending order of accuracy, Cameron James Cope is an MFA candidate, image conjurer, purveyor of word stimulants, travel fiend, and cat burglar. His ascending order of priorities are teaching photography, writing/photographing editorial features, and exploring contemporary legacies of the colonial past through art practice.
Campbelltown Arts Centre
Campbelltown Arts Centre is a contemporary arts centre in Sydney’s south west. It presents visual arts, music, dance, performance, and live arts. For VOLUME 2015, the art centre will present a selection of catalogues from recent exhibitions.
Cedar Lewisohn
Cedar Leisohn is an artist, writer, and curator. Through his studio practice he explores cultural narratives from various historic positions. He is also interested in various forms of publishing, bookmaking and alternative platforms for the display and dissemination of art. This is often where his studio practice over-laps with curatorial projects.
China Heights Gallery
China Heights Gallery is a Sydney based gallery and studio, established in 2004, exhibiting both local and international artists. The independent gallery focuses on emerging and established artists alike, producing and distributing short run books, prints, zines, and artist editions.
Chris Mansell
Chris Mansell's work embodies the intersectionality of object and word; materiality deepens and interrogates the text. In preferencing some aspects of language, reading and comprehension is changed. The Quiet Book, for example, dispenses with lexical content and leaves only structure. RUBRICS, however, occludes, then slowly reveals, possible poems within poems. Stung More and Words, mainly hinges further explores this.
Corraini Edizioni
Corraini Edizioni is a publishing house and an art gallery based in Italy. It is a publishing workshop open to artists, illustrators and designers to create books. Publications traverse artists books for children, design, illustration, and contemporary art. Bruno Munari stands out among our numerous collaborations.
Deidre Brollo
Deidre Brollo is an artist who works primarily with artists’ books, print media, and installation. Her work is an ongoing consideration of memory as it relates to time, place, and materiality. She uses the interactivity of the book form as a means of engaging haptic memory and perception.
Deanna Hitti
Deanna Hitti's is a printmaker based in Melbourne, Australia. Her artists' books have been widely exhibited nationally and internationally. They have been selected for numerous Australian print awards and are acquired by major collections in Australia including The State Library of Victoria and the National Library of Australia.
Diane Inc.
Diane Inc. is a very small time publishing house from Melbourne. As the internet becomes more inundated with images, they lose the power that they have when viewed in print, and that's essentially the reason we exist. We work with local and international photographers, artists and designers, with everything we do being a run of a hundred or less.
Dirty Queer Magazine
Providing an Australian perspective on local and international queer community, arts and culture, Dirty Queer Magazine is independently published in Sydney, since 2010. We focus on in-depth features and photo essays, presenting established and emerging talent with diverse genders, sexes, ages, ethnicities, and body types. With six issues under our belt, the magazine is collectible, building a body of work around queer culture, arts, and community.
Discipline is a publisher and contemporary art journal edited by Nicholas Croggon, David Homewood, and Helen Hughes. Alongside artist pages and interviews, it publishes research essays about contemporary Australian art, and histories and theories of contemporary art as a global industry or phenomenon.
Elizabeth Day
Discontinued narratives of migration: Ficto-critical texts and images by Elizabeth Day.
Lives of the Artists
Lives of the Artists was an art magazine edited, printed and published by artist Elizabeth Pulie in the years 2002-2005. The content, provided by local artists and friends, included reviews, articles, essays, interviews and artist's pages, and maintained a focus on the artist as personality and an interest in the details of artist's lives.
Emblem Books / Omo Books
Emblem Books publishes contemporary art, design, and visual culture.
Omo Books is a queer imprint presenting the creative outputs of people who relate to difference and otherness in their sexuality, gender or way of being.